
Our Common Sense Dahlia Virus Protocol

Our Common Sense Dahlia Virus Protocol

Dahlias, like most living things, are susceptible to viruses. They do not have the ability to clear a virus, unlike humans. Once a dahlia is infected by a virus it remains...

Our Common Sense Dahlia Virus Protocol

Dahlias, like most living things, are susceptible to viruses. They do not have the ability to clear a virus, unlike humans. Once a dahlia is infected by a virus it remains...

Dahlia Tuber Shipping Wrap Up

We're done shipping. Hurray! Now on to the more exciting business of planting and growing dahlias. But here is my debrief on our shipping process for this year. Our tuber...

Dahlia Tuber Shipping Wrap Up

We're done shipping. Hurray! Now on to the more exciting business of planting and growing dahlias. But here is my debrief on our shipping process for this year. Our tuber...

My Dahlia Planting Must-Haves

We are all gearing up for planting our dahlias in the US and I couldn't be more excited! Here are some of my must have supplies, some of which you can...

My Dahlia Planting Must-Haves

We are all gearing up for planting our dahlias in the US and I couldn't be more excited! Here are some of my must have supplies, some of which you can...

What We Learned in 2023 and Are Changing for 2024

2023 was an amazing year! As always, with my "go big or go home" strategy I have made a lot of mistakes quickly and learned the lessons needed. Here are the...

What We Learned in 2023 and Are Changing for 2024

2023 was an amazing year! As always, with my "go big or go home" strategy I have made a lot of mistakes quickly and learned the lessons needed. Here are the...